Our Work

About the Shipping Industry


Shipping Industry Plays
an Essential Role

Most of the daily necessities that we use are transported by sea.

In Japan, for example, 99.6% of exports and imports rely on maritime transport (Source: MLIT Maritime Bureau). Given this, it would be fair to say that the maritime industry is the backbone of the nation's economic activities, that is, essential for all of us.
So why is 99% of transportation by sea? Your first thought might be that it's because Japan is an island nation, but in fact, it's because ships can carry huge amounts of cargo at once and move heavy goods that airplanes can't, making sea transport an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly mode of transport.
Addressing environmental concerns such as greenhouse gas emissions has become a major challenge for the entire shipping industry, and as a company engaged in maritime transport, Hakuyo Shipping is doing what we can to tackle environmental issues.

Hakuyo Shipping's Ship Leasing Business


Ship leasing
to shipping companies

As the shipowner, we lease ships to domestic/overseas shipping companies (charterers).

Our top priority is understanding in depth the needs of our client, who are our clients, and working to build their trust in us by sharing their mission and facilitating the safe delivery of their cargo.
Delivering cargo safely requires well-trained crew and properly managed ships. That's why we collaborate closely with ship management companies to continuously enhance quality and respond with sincerity and diligence whenever challenges arise.


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